Friday, October 3, 2008

I don't like to brag about things, but this one is definitely worth mentioning. Yesterday we found out that McKay got a scholarship! The crazy thing is that we was rewarded a pell grant, a smart grant, and because of his good grades he got another scholarship. I find it funny when people write about how that they're "so blessed." It reminds me of the Serioulsy So Blessed blog. Contrary to what I just said, I do feel so seriously blessed. Being a poor college student has its ups and downs. But also I feel so grateful and proud that McKay and I have been independent and haven't depended on our parents. This money will help us out so much. We hope we can use it to go to Costa Rica, that's where Mckay served his mission. It's one of my dreams to go there. I heart you McKayla!

1 comment:

The Rasmussens said...

wow that's awesome! Congrats! Go Mckay!