Friday, September 19, 2008

Not so exciting week

Like the title this week has been kind of boring. Nothing very exciting happened. But here is a list of what did happened:

1. I got my Amy Winehouse wig in the mail! Yah! I think McKay is going to be JD from Scrubs or the main guy with the short shorts off of RENO 911! Don't worry McKay would be wearing modest shorts, or the shorts from Knee Shorts instead.

2. I finally finished my wall collage above our bed.

3. We switched our cable from Direct Tv to Comcast, now we have a DVR, so McKay can watch his Scrubs whenever and I can watch the Antique's Roadshow. We love our DVR.

4. I bought a pumpkin smelling candle because our apartment tends to stink because we have no disposal.

5. McKay had a formal dinner we went too for school. Where he was able to mingle with very successful engineers who graduated from BYU and get more information about graduate school and other learn keys to success. It was fun because we got to dress up fancy and we got a free steak dinner out of it. The mentor who sat at our table was a very very very successful multi millionare structural engineer from California. The whole time he talked about how wealthy he is and how much he charges for his projects. He also told us that he's a bishop and works from home. He does work internationally and has set up a huge scholarship fund at the Y. He maybe asked us one to two questions. He was nice, but way too conceeded for the both of us. McKay and I have this perception of people who are from California, that a lot of them are conceeded, does anybody else agree? We did run into our friends the Parenta's. They're in our ward. It was funny because the mentor who was sitting at their table was the wife of our mentor at our table. After dinner they came up to us to say hi. Sarah started to say how their mentor wouldn't shut up. The two mentors were standing right next to her. I leaned over and said their husband and wife. She was so scared that they heard her, but they didn't. It was funny. You're awesome Sarah!

6. I've been working on this promotional event at my internship this week. Where my compay is donating thousands of hand-made cards to soldiers in Iraq and all over the world. First, I had to sort them, and then after I had to write a press release. But I didn't know how many cards we were donating. I had to go back and count every one. The total came out to 4,243.

7. I was bored one night and was doing some blog stalking to acquantances from high school. I would say half of the girls that are my age are pregnant! I couldn't believe it how many there were. I'm happy for them, but don't see me doing that for a while.

8. McKay's hair is growing back from the tragic hair buzzing experience we had a couple weeks ago.

9. It was my Mother in-law's Birthday this week, she turned 57! She looks better then ever. We celebrated by having home-made ice cream cake. McKay and I gaver her a new bra that she'd been wanting.

10. We had the Zollinger's and Skousen's over and had fried halibut. Thanks to McKay's parents because they went to Alaska a month ago and brought back 150 pounds of halibut that they caught. It was real good and fun to hang out with people.


ezolli86 said...

Tell McKay NOT to be that lame-o guy from Scrubs please! Reno would be way hotter.

Sarah said...

That WSS funny and that lady really WOULD NOT shut up. Whew! I told Gary if I ever get like that to slap me.