Thursday, November 1, 2012

A note on motherhood

I've taken some time off from my blog.  I've done this on purpose so I could rest, recoup, and be a mommy to my sweet Amelia.  I have a humble amount of followers so I'm sure none of them noticed.  The funny and crazy thing is that I'm constantly busy taking care of Amelia, Winston, and myself, the house, being a mommy and wife and I feel like I don't get anything done at the same time.  I've learned over the past 10 weeks to lower my expectations of myself and my ability to manage life.  Before Amelia came into my life, I was so efficient and now I feel like I'm just getting by.  There's been some adjustments to motherhood, but most of them I've easily embraced.  I never thought eating a meal or using the restroom where there's not a screaming baby in my hands was a luxury.  Or having a four hours of sleep at a stretch could cause me to raise a hallelujah! But those times are overshadowed when I see little milestones everyday or when I see her laugh and smile at me. That's the great thing about having a baby as your boss, she doesn't know if you feel  inefficient. All she knows is that you feed her and  love her unconditionally.  


Unknown said...

Your nailed it Court. Being a mother is the most rewarding yet difficult adventure. <3

Unknown said...

Your nailed it Court. Being a mother is the most rewarding yet difficult adventure. <3

JD and Alicia said...

You are awesome, and Amelia is one lucky girl!

Jocelyn said...

So sweet! I love that picture of you two too!