Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Wadamee and Andrew come!

My sister Melanie and her boyfriend came up from California to hang out with us for a week. McKay and I drove back up to Centerville to spend quality time with the family.  We went over to my Grandma and Grandpa Craig's house where we had a dinner with my cousins, Aunt's, and Uncle's.  We opened presents and had a jolly old time.  

McKay and I slept over where the next morning we decided due to all of our crapy eating habits during the holiday we would go play basketball to burn off some extra calories.  We grabbed our ipod, speakers, and basketball and headed over to the church to get our game on.  

McKay and Andrew

Cameron making a shot

My Dad kicked butt, he made a ton of points!

We ended up losing to Melanie, Andrew, and Caitlin.  I think McKay was upset that I didn't put my 100% effort into the game.  I'm sorry!

After our aggressive game of basketball we went kitty shopping at the Davis County Animal Shelter.  A couple of months ago our beloved cat died, and we've been longing for another one.  Going to the animal shelter made me realize how much I want a kitty.  My Aunt Caroline calls having a kitty in your home a, "Kitty Spirit."  I told McKay as soon as we move out of our apartment in the spring, the first thing I want is a kitty spirit.  

1 comment:

The Rasmussens said...

I would definitely get a kitten from the shelter! I am so glad we adopted Nala! It's always a good feeling to know you saved an animal!