I've been really excited for the spring weather. This week to study for my last final I went over to my cousins house. Due to the warm weather we thought it would be fun to get into our swimsuits and study outside. By the time we got outside we realized it wasn't warm enough for swimsuits. We gathered up a bunch of blankets to make it comfortable. I decided to put sunscreen so I wouldn't get sunburned. During our serious studying session a random dog came up to us and was trying to play with us. We messed up all of our studying materials and it was a good relief from studying. After that Erin and I couldn't study anymore due to the excitment that we have about our upcoming trips.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
High School Memory: Cherry Sistas v. Helians
I read my friends blog who I went to high school with and it got me thinking about the good old high school days. I thought I'd share this ridiculous and funny experience. In my high school there were a lot of cliques. There were the nerds, the poofy haired madrigals, the popular kids who sat on the senior bench, the sword fighting knights, and etc. But there was one clique that would go in history as the dumbest clique ever. I hope I don't hurt any feelings of the founding fathers who started this clique, I'm just reminesing.
I was a junior in high school and I considered myself a person who had a good amount of close friends. One of my friends thought it would be a good idea to start a club where her close girlfriends would join and they could share a sisterhood. They called themselves the "Cherry Sistas." This group included four of my close friends. They forgot to invite myself and my friend Kylee. The "Cherry Sistas" was a special group because of what they stood for. They sewed on their backpacks cherry buttons to show their dedication and loyalty to the other sistas. Also they would wear cherry patterned clothes on certain days. Imagine if your best friends started a group that was based around an awkward fruit and they didn't invite you?! How rude right?
Well to be cool like my counterparts Kylee, me, and my boyfriend at the time thought it would be a good idea to start our own group that would be just as cool. We called ourselves the "Hellians." Our whole mission was to corrupt the "Cherry Sistas." To corrput them we would plan ways to distract them and would cut of their cherry buttons with our purple FOXY swiss army knife. We successfully cut off all of the cherry buttons. One day the sistas realized that all of their buttons were gone from their backpacks. They knew that we were the only ones that would have a motive to do something so mean. When they confronted us they were so upset. They didn't talk to us for two weeks.
High school was full of weird and fun times. Do you have any stories like mine?
I was a junior in high school and I considered myself a person who had a good amount of close friends. One of my friends thought it would be a good idea to start a club where her close girlfriends would join and they could share a sisterhood. They called themselves the "Cherry Sistas." This group included four of my close friends. They forgot to invite myself and my friend Kylee. The "Cherry Sistas" was a special group because of what they stood for. They sewed on their backpacks cherry buttons to show their dedication and loyalty to the other sistas. Also they would wear cherry patterned clothes on certain days. Imagine if your best friends started a group that was based around an awkward fruit and they didn't invite you?! How rude right?
Well to be cool like my counterparts Kylee, me, and my boyfriend at the time thought it would be a good idea to start our own group that would be just as cool. We called ourselves the "Hellians." Our whole mission was to corrupt the "Cherry Sistas." To corrput them we would plan ways to distract them and would cut of their cherry buttons with our purple FOXY swiss army knife. We successfully cut off all of the cherry buttons. One day the sistas realized that all of their buttons were gone from their backpacks. They knew that we were the only ones that would have a motive to do something so mean. When they confronted us they were so upset. They didn't talk to us for two weeks.
High school was full of weird and fun times. Do you have any stories like mine?
Last week of school
Well, this semester of school is almost over. I have a final on Tuesday and then I'm done. I've been suprised because this semester hasn't been that hard. I had 2 presentations, 1 project, and 1 test. It's funny because last semester was a lot harder. I know this fall semester is going to be a hard one due to my classes and the teachers that are teaching them.
McKay and I are so excited were going on our cruise in a week. I can't wait to be on the sea and sitting on our balcony and have the salty sea air in my hair. I'm excited to write about my experience about my first cruise. I just hope I can fit into my clothes when I get back. My family is coming with too. I told my mom that we should get matching t-shirts that say Craig, Killpack, and Zollinger Family Cruise 2008. I thought it would be a good way to not lose track of everyone and plus it's a Mormon thing. Anyway, I'm excited for this next week.
I'm also excited for my dear cousin because she is going to London to study abroad over the summer. She told me that she is going to tour the places where Jane Austen lived and wrote about. I think that would be such a fun trip to see where this amazing author and literature legend lived and wrote about. Hopefully one day I'll be able to experience that in the future.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
My Favorite Show in the World

One great thing about getting our cable back is Friday nights at 11pm, which is the Soup. I love this show. Whenever I'm blue or sad, I watch this show and that frowny face turns upside down into a smiley one. Watching a show that makes fun of reality shows makes me feel better. Anyway, if you haven't watched it, you gotta!
Our Summer Plans!
McKay and I are going to be busy this summer. McKay is taking a class at BYU, I can't remember what class it is, but I know it's some crazy math class. He should be graduating in two years in Electrical Engineering. It seems like forever until he'll be done. This summer I'm doing my two internships. This kind of stinks, I just found out that I can't only get credit for one of my internships because the communications department just ruled that you can't do two internships in the same semester. I wish I would of known this. I already committed to the two internships so I'm going to do both. Hopefully one of them will want to keep me through fall so I can get credit for that one too. I'm on track to graduating in Spring 09. I'm real excited and look forward to finding a job and working for a couple of years.
No babies anytime soon. McKay and I can't imagine how we would survive with a baby and both going to school full time. My mother told me that a couple of days ago my little brother asked her when McKay and I were going to have a baby. I'm glad my mom responded by saying that were both in school so probably not for a couple more years.
McKay and I are going on a cruise with my family on April 27th to May 4th. We are so excited to go. This will probably be the nicest trip we'll ever go on for a long time. We're going to the Mexican Riveria, and we will be gone for a week. Our close friends the Zollinger's from our ward are coming with us too. Having them come is going to bring more funness (that is not a word) to the vacation. We are also going to Bear Lake with McKay's family in August, and we'll go camping a bunch with his parents old school camper trailer.

My cousin Erin is going to study abroad in England, I'm so excited for her. She is also going backpacking through Europe. My ex roommate Megan is getting married in May and I'm' way excited for her too. My sister has just started to date someone and I hope this will turn into a serious one. I can't wait until she gets married, it will be so much fun to have a married sister. Anway, this is what is going on in my life at the moment. I feel so blessed and happy. 
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
I miss Mrs. Butterworth's!

I was watching TV on our new cable and randomly I thought how much I love Mrs. Butterworth's! I remember as a child my mom would buy Mrs. Butterworth's syrup because I loved how the bottle was shaped as a pilgrim lady. I use to talk to Mrs. Butterworth's like a person and carry her around and play with her. Was I crazy as a child? Oh well, I'm still going to buy Mrs. Butterworth's.
McKay and I just got cable TV!
McKay and I have been going without TV for about a month. We had cable but our apartment complex got rid of the bulk package. I haven't been able to watch the news or keep up on what is new on the Antique Roadshow. Today we finally got it and I feel so blessed!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
McKay's Birthday Party Invitation
It is McKay's 25th Birthday on April 10th. To celebrate this special day I'm throwing McKay a Fishing themed party. I'm excited because we are going to have an fish shaped ice cream cake, fish ice sculptures, real goldfish party savers, goldfish crackers, swedish fish candy, and we're going to play go fish!
My Summer Internships

This summer I'll be doing two internships. I'm way excited about them and look forward to learning a lot this summer about public relations, marketing, and advertising. I'll be working at Gardner Village in South Jordan. If you've never been there it is the cutest place to shop. It is a pioneer village that is turned into boutiques. I'll be in charge of their public relations and will help plan events. The other I will be working for Advice Productions, it is across the street from Nordy's, so I can walk across the street to my other internship. I'll be working at both of my internships part time and at Nordy's part time.
The Festival of Colors
The Celebrated Festival of Colors
On Saturday night holi celebration of The Festival of Colors occured. It was my first time going and it was an experience that I'll never forget. It was also the celebration of my Birthday. My birthday was on the 25th, due to school I wasn't able to have a real party. My sis
ter Mel, my ex-roommate Megano, and my cousin Erin thought it would be a festive way to celebrate my most special day. When we got there we parked about a mile away from the temple. It was a nice walk. There were cars that lined the entire street on both sides. I didn't know what to expect when getting to the temple because I've only seen it from the freeway. We finally got to the temple and there were thousands of students overflowing the balcony and courtyard. It was funny because there were more students then there was Indians. We bought our chalk and tried to make our w
ay through the crowd to where the stage was. We found a table in an opening where we watched a couple of Indian Dancers. We got down from the table and got in the middle of the crowd making our way over to the big bon fire. Then all of a sudden thousands of chalked bags are being thrown and tossed through the air. At that moment I could not see in front of me nor breathe. It was a scary feeling! I bent down so I could catch some air and did by covering my face with my shirt. I could taste the scented chalk down my throat, lungs, and nose. I finally found Erin and Megan and they looked like they went through a terrible battle and was overwhemingly covered in mutli colored mix of colors. The frenzy of the flower scented chalk went on long after the initial start of the festival. We migrated th
rough the crowd to make it to the bon fire. I could not tell but I was told they had a masked mannequin burning in the fire. The one thing I absolutly wanted to do was to crowd surf! Melanie's friend Margo, got picked up and carried throughout the crowd. I was jealous! We walked up the stairs so we could go inside to see what the temple looked like inside. We had to take our shoes off, and walked right in. The inside had a cool shrine with a blue god surrounded by gold gods. It was very orante. To the side there was a statue of another holi person, it scared me because it looked so real. We went downstairs to look at the eclectic gift shop the temple housed. Soon after that we started to walk back to the car. It was a long tedious walk back to the car. We were about 3/4 there when a car drove by with a bunch of people catching a ride while hanging out of the back. I ran up to the car and jumped in. I almost fell out, but the other people grabbed onto me so I wouldn't be roadkill. It was fun. After we were in the mood for Indian food, so we went to Indian Palace, a restuarant on Center Street in Provo. It satisfied my taste buds, chicken tikki marsala, rice, and a garlic naan. HMMMM. After that we went back to my apartment and all three of us showered. The water in the shower was pink because of the chalk, and my boogers were pink for three days! Overall, going to the festival was one of the craziest things I've ever seen. My clothes were stained pink too. I'm still in the process of trying to get it out. Any tips from anyone? Please let me know. The only question I have from this is why is their god blue?
My First Day Blogging
I've always heard about how blogging is the next new thing when it comes to staying in touch with people and it's a easier and high tech way of tracking ones thoughts. I thought I'd give it a try because I feel that my life has some importance and keeping track of what is going on in my life. Hopefully I'll be able to be consistent and update this blog because there is no use of one if you don't. Anyways, that is all I want to say right now.
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