Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Raquetball, Ice Fishing, and New Sunbeam Class

I started my Racquetball classes at the Rec Center. I've learned some great techniques that will help improve my playing skills. I even met a very nice lady in my class who's 4o years old and has 11 kids who wants to schedule play dates with me. I had class tonight and she kicked my butt. I have a lot to learn still, but I hope to be able to join the Racquetball League in a few months.

This last weekend we went ice fishing with my cousins up Deer Creek. Of course, I didn't catch any fish, McKay caught a nice supply of them.

This is a pretty view from the shore.
This is my new Sunbeam class. Aren't they so cute?


Caitlin said...

Courtney they are so cute! Teach me how to play raquetball okay? oh and how was the EE dance?

What is this blog about? said...

Hey! I teach sunbeams too! :)