Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Movie From The Past

This was my favorite movies growing up. My good friend Liz searched and searched and found it on DVD. I think one of the reasons why I heart this movie so much is because the main guy in it is so dreamy. The movie is about a girl who runs away to find a new life where she ends up trying to get a job in a traveling circus. She ends up learning how to horse dive. Her boss's son is so wickedly chiseled that she can't resist.

Of course my favorite part is when they first kiss. I guess I'm getting too excited for Valentines or something. Anyway, if you haven't seen it it's a must see!


Christina and Ryan said...

You could also rent "16 Candles" if you like that guy because he's pretty much a babe! I love when he comes to the church for Samantha near the end and the music starts playing. Oh man.

Jana said...

Courtney I LOVE this movie! We used to rent it all the time growing up, now you're making me want to watch it again...all that talk about the hot chiseled man and all..

The Rasmussens said...

Court, you just messaged me on facebook but when I tried to answer back you were gone! Yes, I do remember when we were little and would watch this all the time and I got way mad at my bro. because he recorded dumb football over it haha it still is on of my all time favorite movies just like when I was little, good times you and me

erika said...

Hey Courtney,

I couldn't resist commenting when I saw this little beaut! I LOVE Wild Hearts Can't be Broken! It is certainly a favorite!

Hope you are doing well. Did you finish school?