One of my New Years Resolutions this year is to get back into shape and lose the 35 pounds I gained from being pregnant. Through the ups and downs of nursing and having a newborn, one day I looked at myself in the mirror and cried because I didn't recognize my body at all. Whoever told me I would loose a bunch of weight when nursing was lying and very mean. My problem was a combination of sitting most of the day (nursing, nursing, sleeping, and nursing) and not so healthy eating because I was so busy! Being at home all day can be tough, especially when there is a big plate of cookies or a dessert of any kind. It wasn't uncommon to eat an entire batch of cookie dough or eat a half pan of brownies. I knew this combination of eating crapy and not moving was preventing me from getting back into shape. I needed help and needed to make some changes, but I didn't know where to start.
This was me right when I found out I was pregnant
This was me during pregnancy

Me after having Amelia
This was me right when I found out I was pregnant
This was me during pregnancy
Me after having Amelia
That's when I decided to make a change and started using this program called LeanMoms and it has changed my life! is an online strength training and body sculpting program created specifically for busy women and mothers, like myself. Each level is a comprehensive 12-week program designed to help you learn proper strength training and nutrition for a female body to yield great results. Lacy, the CEO and and founder of LeanMoms breaks everything down from the workouts to the meal plan. I've been really impressed because the workouts are challenging but totally doable and the meal plan is easy to follow because Lacey tell you what to eat, how much, and when to eat it. So there's no guess work. I've been using it for two weeks now and I've lost four pounds and three inches off my body!
There are times when I want to eat an entire loaf of bread or consume that pan of brownies, but by having a support group (the LeanMoms private Facebook page) has really helped me to get encouragement, advice, and to know there are other women out there doing the same thing I'm doing. I've gained so much from using LeanMoms. One is a better sense at to why I eat the way I do. I've learned I eat a lot of snacks and treats because I like to "treat" myself and because I get bored. Before using LeanMoms when I would go to the gym, I had no idea what the heck I was doing, what machines I should use, and never had a plan for my workout. I would get bored at the gym real quick. I never thought I would actually enjoy going to the gym, but I do now! Since starting LeanMoms I have a lot more energy, I feel healthy and strong, I'm learning how to eat clean, and feel more confident in my new mom body. This is not a fad diet or quick fix, but will give you the tools to make long-lasting healthy lifestyle changes.

There are times when I want to eat an entire loaf of bread or consume that pan of brownies, but by having a support group (the LeanMoms private Facebook page) has really helped me to get encouragement, advice, and to know there are other women out there doing the same thing I'm doing. I've gained so much from using LeanMoms. One is a better sense at to why I eat the way I do. I've learned I eat a lot of snacks and treats because I like to "treat" myself and because I get bored. Before using LeanMoms when I would go to the gym, I had no idea what the heck I was doing, what machines I should use, and never had a plan for my workout. I would get bored at the gym real quick. I never thought I would actually enjoy going to the gym, but I do now! Since starting LeanMoms I have a lot more energy, I feel healthy and strong, I'm learning how to eat clean, and feel more confident in my new mom body. This is not a fad diet or quick fix, but will give you the tools to make long-lasting healthy lifestyle changes.

LeanMoms.Com offers three different membership packages to accommodate women at every level.
The Molly
3-Month Membership ($67) includes:
Access to LeanMoms Member’s site
Full, detailed meal plan and shopping
Soft to Sculpted Level 1 Complete
Support and healthy advice via e-mail
and social media posts from LeanMoms coaches.
Set of recorded downloadable calls to
aid you in your success.
The Sophie
6-Month Membership ($147) includes:
Access to LeanMoms Member’s Site
Soft to Sculpted Level 1 Complete
Workout Program
Meal plan and shopping lists
Access to private Facebook group
Free access to regular group calls
Weightloss Meditation Program
The Savannah One-Year
VIP Membership ($197) includes:
Access to LeanMoms Member’s site
Soft to Sculpted Level 1 and Level 2
Complete Workout Programs
Level 1 and Level 2 Meal Plans
Access to Private Facebook group
Free access to group calls
NEW weekly workout options and recipes
Weightloss Meditation Program
Exclusive discounts and gyms, spas, and
other businesses partnered with LeanMoms
10% discount on any LeanMoms merchandise
50% discount on any LeanMom live events